Is it accurate to take a test at night when your period is four days late and you’re not pregnant?

It may be inaccurate to test for pregnancy at night four days after menstruation has been delayed, because in early pregnancy there may be a situation in which the human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is low and the human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is elevated, resulting in a negative urine pregnancy test and a positive blood test, so you can improve the blood test in time or retest the urine pregnancy test again at intervals of a few days in order to clarify the presence or absence of pregnancy.
Women can use test strips to test for pregnancy 2 weeks after intercourse or about 3-5 days after menstruation is delayed, which is generally accurate, but there are individual differences. For example, the fertilization of the egg is late, too early to use the test paper test may not be able to detect pregnancy, especially at night in the urine HCG concentration is relatively low, there may be errors, it is best to combine with the blood HCG to determine whether there is a pregnancy.
Negative urine test can not completely exclude pregnancy, so it is recommended to go to the hospital to check the blood chorionic gonadotropin or a few days between the use of morning urine urine retest urine pregnancy test, if it is negative, basically can be excluded pregnancy, the need for timely medical adjustment of menstruation, do not take care of yourself, so as not to delay the aggravation of the condition.

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