When is the second abnormality done?

  Usually, the second screening is usually best done around 28-32 weeks of pregnancy.  The second screening test is mainly to check the development of the fetal heart, lungs and brain, and also to check the development of other fetal organs. The second screening is also done to find out the fetal position, the position and maturity of the placenta, and the amniotic fluid, etc. It is usually done at 28-32 weeks of pregnancy. At about 24 weeks of gestation, the first screening test will be performed, but at this time, the fetal organs are only initially developed, and hydrocephalus, heart malformation, abnormal lung development, etc. cannot be manifested yet, so another screening test is still needed in the second trimester.  The second screening test is conducted in the second trimester, when the fetus is larger and has less room to move in the uterus, and the amount of amniotic fluid in the second trimester is relatively small, so it is impossible to find out the development of all the organs of the fetus and cannot replace the first screening test.

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