Do you need a CT for a cuneiform fracture review?

Usually, CT is not needed for wedge fracture review. In general, only X-ray is needed for the review of wedge bone fracture, and CT is not needed for the review, X-ray can clearly see the recovery of the fracture and the formation of bone scab, which can achieve the purpose of the review. At the same time, compared with CT, X-ray examination is less expensive, so usually only X-ray examination is needed for review. If the fracture site cannot be determined after X-ray, CT is needed for further confirmation. In case of cuneiform fracture, the patient should have a balanced nutrition during the recovery period to help promote the healing of the fracture site. If the wedge bone fracture occurs, you should go to the hospital in time for relevant examinations, and choose the treatment plan and treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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