Benefits of eating raw peanuts

Raw peanuts, also known as raw peanuts, raw fruits, raw tomatoes, flat, sweet taste, the spleen, lung meridian. Effects: Strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm. Applicable people: raw peanuts boiled in water is suitable for people with bad spleen and stomach, regurgitation, raw peanuts boiled in soup is suitable for people with cough and phlegm, raw peanuts stewed pig’s trotters is suitable for people with little milk after delivery. Nutritional value: peanuts contain more fat, protein, trace elements and a small amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients. Peanuts mostly contain unsaturated fatty acids. Serving method: suitable for eating raw, boiled soup, stewed. In the case of daily consumption, the food efficacy is limited and cannot play a role in the treatment of disease. If you have any uncomfortable symptoms, please consult a doctor in time to avoid delaying your condition.

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