What to do if you have cold hands and feet when you sleep at night

Cold hands and feet at night may be caused by external factors such as low room temperature or thin bedding, or it may be due to a deficiency of yang qi, which needs to be dealt with. If the cold hands and feet at night due to low room temperature or thin bedding, can be improved by using air conditioning and adding bedding, if the cold hands and feet still exist after improving the external conditions, it may be due to their own yang qi deficiency. Yang qi has the role of warming the body, when the yang qi is weak, the body loses its warmth, there may be cold hands and feet at night when sleeping, you can take some medications to regulate the treatment, such as Jin Gui Kidney qi pills, Right Angelica Pills and other Chinese medicines that have the effect of tonifying the kidneys and warming the yang. All of the above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a professional doctor, it is recommended that patients seek medical treatment in a timely manner and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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