How do you recover from a drink that hurts your stomach?

Drinking alcohol hurts the stomach because the alcohol in the wine causes stimulation and damage to the gastric mucosa. The general condition is gastritis, gastric ulcer, etc., which can be regulated and recovered through daily diet and medication.
1. Dietary regulation: after drinking the stomach and intestines are weak, the diet of small meals, the first to eat easily digestible fluids, such as rice porridge, thick rice soup and so on. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, strong tea, chili and other stimulating foods.
2. Drug regulation: patients with stomach upset after drinking alcohol will have symptoms such as epigastric discomfort, nausea, acid reflux, vomiting, vomiting blood, etc. You can use bismuth potassium citrate, aluminum hydroxide, and other medicines that are beneficial to the protection of the gastric mucosa and antacid.
For patients with severe symptoms, it is necessary to go to a regular hospital to determine the cause of the disease and treat under the guidance of a doctor to avoid delaying the condition.

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