How to prevent hepatic encephalopathy after TIPS surgery

Hepatic encephalopathy is one of the common complications after TIPS, which can be prevented through condition observation, dietary adjustment, keeping the bowel clear, prevention of infection, and careful use of drugs.
1. Condition observation: Family members of the patient should pay attention to whether the patient has any abnormal changes in personality and behavior, mental state, thinking and cognition. Preventing the occurrence of bed fall, when the patient appears to have reversed sleep time, communicate with the patient more during the day, try not to let him/her sleep, keep quiet at night and avoid stimulation in order to promote sleep.
2. Adjustment of dietary structure: fasting for 24h after surgery, and limiting animal protein intake within 1 week after surgery. High protein food such as beans and meat should be reduced, and can be given with thin rice, noodles, vegetable juice and fruit juice, etc. Quit smoking and alcohol; meanwhile, patients are advised to consume more vegetable protein appropriately in order to avoid hypoproteinemia.
3. Keep the bowel clear: constipation can increase the production and absorption of ammonia, can be given to massage the abdomen. Diet light and easy to digest, supplement vitamins, prevent constipation, strictly prohibit the intake of large amounts of high protein in a short period of time.
4. Prevent infection: decreased liver function and surgical trauma can lead to decreased resistance, monitor patients with or without fever, maintain oral hygiene, good skin care, pay attention to warmth, prevent colds and flu, and open the window for ventilation every day.
5. Use drugs with caution: use anti-hepatic encephalopathy drugs, avoid short-term large amount of infusion, avoid the use of central sedative drugs, and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions when they must be used.
Patients must come to the hospital regularly for review, take medication regularly as prescribed by the doctor, do not increase or decrease the dosage of medication without authorization and stop taking medication, develop good living habits, and consult the doctor in time when the patient’s condition changes.

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