What to do if you have a swollen hangnail

The reason for the swelling of the hand during the injection is that the injected fluid does not flow into the bloodstream through the vein, but is exposed in the skin tissue, thus causing the swelling of the hand. There are more methods commonly used in the clinic to reduce swelling, as follows: a. Pour magnesium sulfate on a hot towel for hot compresses or use raw potato slices on the swelling, which helps to absorb the swelling to achieve the purpose of reducing swelling. Second, the patient should not quickly after the injection of the needle out, should be slowly withdrawn, after the extraction can be pressed with the finger belly at the needle hole for about 10 minutes, generally can be eliminated. Patients just injected drugs, so at this time should pay more attention to rest to avoid overwork, to maintain adequate sleep to avoid staying up late; diet can eat more nutritious food, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, to supplement the body needs of protein and vitamins, taste to light appropriate, avoid spicy, stimulating, to help improve the body’s immunity, to promote physical recovery.

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