How to treat gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a very common STD, when the disease is treated early, it can effectively control the disease, achieve a complete cure and avoid complications. Gonorrhea treatment should pay attention to the following points: 1, the choice of antibiotics, the first choice of ceftriaxone sodium, the second choice of Daikanomycin, and then other antibiotics; 2, the dose of drugs to be large, time to be sufficient, the method to be scientific; 3, the treatment should be complete, that is, all the symptoms should disappear, urine clarification, prostate fluid or cervical secretion smear, can not find gonococcus; 4, both husband and wife or sexual partners should be the same examination The same treatment; 5, the treatment should not listen to the wandering doctor’s prescriptions or ancestral secret recipes and indiscriminate use of drugs to prevent delays in the disease; 6, after the cure should be clean and self-love, to eliminate non-marital sexual contact to avoid reinfection.

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