Can you have sex after a liver transplant?

It is possible to have a normal sex life after a liver transplant without affecting the recovery of the incision and as long as your energy permits. Liver transplant surgery involves three steps: removal of the diseased liver, trimming of the new liver, and implantation of the new liver. Since liver transplants are currently performed by caesarean section, the incision after the surgery is relatively large. In addition, as liver transplantation is a major surgery, the patient’s postoperative recuperation and recovery are also crucial. It is generally recommended that at least 1~2 months after the operation, according to the wound tension tolerance, as well as the patient’s physical condition to make a comprehensive judgment, if the wound recovery is good, the patient’s energy can be normal sexual life. When having sex, it is necessary to pay attention to not pressing the wound as much as possible, so as not to affect the healing of the wound. After the operation, liver transplant patients should pay attention to a light diet under the guidance of the doctor, with appropriate exercise to help the body repair.

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