Can Shenwu Yi Kidney Tablets be taken for a long time?

It is generally not recommended to take Senwu Yi Kidney Tablets for a long time, the time of taking the drug is closely related to the patient’s physical condition, disease regression, etc., it is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions for use of the drug. And the long-term use of the drug in this product may have a certain degree of liver and kidney toxicity, so it is not recommended for long-term use. Shenwu Yi Kidney Tablet is a traditional Chinese medicine, mainly composed of Prepared Fleeceflower, Semen Cuscutae, Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng and other traditional Chinese medicines, which has the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the spleen (nourishing the kidney and spleen), activating the blood and inducing dampness (activating the blood to get rid of the evil of dampness). Clinically, it is mainly used for non-dialysis patients with chronic renal failure (compensated stage, decompensated stage and failure stage) caused by chronic glomerulonephritis, patients with deficiency of qi and yin (deficiency of both qi and yin) with dampness and turbidity syndrome, such as nausea, vomiting, hypophagia, dry mouth and pharynx, and dry stools, etc. It is recommended for pregnant women and patients allergic to this drug, as well as for those who are pregnant or allergic to this drug. Pregnant women and those who are allergic to this drug should not take it, and those who usually have loose stools should be cautious of using it. If you have any related symptoms, we suggest that you consult a doctor in time, do not self-medicate, and must follow the doctor’s instructions.

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