How to get rid of bad breath fast after eating garlic

If you want to get rid of bad breath quickly after eating garlic you can do so by brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, chewing gum or consuming foods such as milk and apples, which need to be analyzed specifically. 1. Brush your teeth: You can remove abnormal breath by brushing your teeth with some toothpaste that has breath-freshening properties. 2. Gargling: You can gargle with sterile mouthwash, warm water with appropriate amount of white vinegar or tea, etc., which has the function of freshening breath, and gargle several times to remove bad breath. 3. Chewing gum: If it is not convenient to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, then you can chew gum to get rid of bad breath quickly. 4. Eating other foods: by taking milk, eating fruits and other foods can react with garlic to promote the stomach to empty garlic as soon as possible, can also achieve rapid removal of bad breath after eating garlic. There are many other ways to get rid of bad breath quickly after eating garlic, which should be chosen reasonably according to individual needs.

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