How soon can you talk after having your tonsils removed?

Tonsillectomy generally does not affect the pronunciation and speech, and you can speak when you are awake from the anesthesia after the surgery. If the pain in the throat is more intense, you can reduce the frequency and intensity of speech, take more rest, reduce the peristaltic movement of the throat muscles, and prevent the wound from infection and bleeding.
Tonsillectomy, also known as tonsillectomy, is generally performed under general anesthesia, and the surgery is performed through the mouth, with the use of a cotyledonary device to open up the mouth and remove the diseased tonsils from inside the mouth. The procedure is indicated for recurrent episodes of chronic tonsillitis, overly enlarged tonsils blocking the airway, or for the removal of benign or malignant tumors of the tonsils.
Since the tonsil wound does not affect the movement of the vocal cords, the operation does not affect speech, and the patient can pronounce words after waking up from anesthesia. Post-operative precautions are to take a light, liquid diet within half a month to prevent infection, bleeding, rest and avoid strenuous exercise.

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