What to do if you have fluid coming out of your anus and an ulcerated buttock

The common causes of anal effluent, buttocks ulceration are hemorrhoids, rectal polyps, anal fistula, tumors and other diseases caused by different reasons for different ways of dealing with different, common treatment methods are general treatment, drug treatment, surgical treatment and so on.
1. Hemorrhoids: reasonable diet, correct constipation to improve gastrointestinal function, and develop the habit of regular defecation. Available diluted potassium permanganate solution for cleaning sitz bath, at the same time follow the doctor’s instructions with ma yinglong musk hemorrhoid cream and other drugs local application, if the drug treatment is not ideal, feasible surgical resection treatment.
2. Rectal polyps: Rectal polyps irritate the intestinal mucosa, causing secretions to seep out. After the discovery of rectal polyps need to be surgically removed, according to the shape, location and size of rectal polyps, using different methods, such as laparoscopy, colonoscopy and other operations under the treatment.
3. anal fistula: when anal fistula inflammation attack, there can be purulent liquid oozing. Pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the anus, do not scratch, often use warm water to wash the anus. The complete cure of anal fistula is surgical treatment, usually need to be hanging or anal fistula excision surgery.
4. Tumor: rectal anus tumor due to location, tumor cell growth infiltration will destroy the surrounding tissues or tumor body itself rupture, anal discharge liquid, the phenomenon of buttocks broken, specific need to assess the condition of surgical treatment, combined with radiotherapy and other comprehensive treatment.
The appearance of anal effusion of liquid, buttocks ulceration, it is recommended to timely consultation, so as not to delay the condition.

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