Basic knowledge and misconceptions about prostatitis

  1, what kind of disease is prostatitis?
  Not an independent disease, it is a syndrome with its own unique form.
  Although not life-threatening, it can seriously affect the overall quality of life, even more so than diabetes and chronic heart failure.
  Doctors and patients also feel tricky → frustrated → disappointed → given inappropriate diagnosis and treatment during the diagnosis and treatment process.
  2. What are the most frequently asked questions?
  Is there any relationship between prostatitis and prostate cancer and prostate enlargement?
  What is the pathogenesis of prostatitis?
  What is the correlation between clinical symptoms and the degree of inflammation?
  Are there any standardized criteria for diagnosis?
  Why are the results of treatment always unsatisfactory?
  How should antibiotics be applied?
  3. What are the types of prostatitis?
  NIH (National Institutes of Health) Classification (1995)
  Type I: Acute bacterial.
  Type II: Chronic bacterial.
  Type III: chronic non-bacterial/chronic pelvic pain syndromes (CPPS)
  Type IIIA: inflammatory CPPS.
  Type IIIB: non-inflammatory CPPS.
  Type IV: asymptomatic inflammatory (AIP).
  4. Is there an infectious agent for all prostatitis?
  No! Most are not infections. However, the first onset is often related to infection. The pathogens of the infection have the following characteristics.
  (The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.
  (3) long-term application of antibiotics, the effect of poor infection, should be considered bacterial L type and fungal infection may be.
  (4) Prostate stones and urinary reflux may be the reason for the persistence of bacteria.
  5. What is the effect of prostatitis on the human body?
  The mechanism of prostatitis is complex and cannot be caused by an exact cause, nor is it caused by one factor. The actual fact is that you will find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this kind of things. The actual fact is that it can manifest as frequent urination, urgent urination, incomplete urination, white drip at the end of urination, lumbosacral pain, lower abdominal distension and perineal and testicular pain and discomfort, insomnia, forgetfulness and other symptoms of plant nerve dysfunction, and has a certain impact on male function and reproductive function. Therefore, although prostatitis is not generally life-threatening, it can seriously affect the quality of life of patients. Nearly 1/2 of all men will suffer from prostatitis at some point in their lives.
  6. How do I diagnose and treat prostatitis?
  The diagnosis is usually made through routine examination of the prostate fluid, combined with the patient’s self-reported clinical symptoms.
  First of all, we should improve our lifestyle and bad habits, eliminate mental worries, abstain from alcohol, avoid stimulating food, maintain a regular sex life, laxative, etc. The second is anti-infection treatment. Studies have found that 30-40% of patients are effective with antibiotic treatment, regardless of whether the prostatitis is bacterial or sterile. Close to 60% of patients with first-time prostate symptoms respond well to antibiotic therapy alone. Then secondly: relief of local symptoms and treatment with phytotherapy, on the basis of the above treatment, can be combined with spiritual and psychological treatment and local instrumentation, Chinese medicine treatment, etc., should relieve the patient’s pain and recover well.
  7, different clinical types of prostatitis treatment principles?
  Type I: select sensitive antibiotics, support symptomatic therapy.
  Type II: long course of effective antibiotics, 6-12 weeks, prostate massage, surgery only for patients with bladder neck stricture, urethral stricture, and ejaculatory duct obstruction.
  Type IIIA: 1 course of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, -AR blockers, anti-inflammatory therapy, fenasteride, botanicals, prostate massage, transurethral heat therapy.
  Type IIIB: Improvement of symptoms is the main goal of treatment. -AR blockers, painkillers, muscle relaxants, prostate massage, supportive therapy, diet and lifestyle modification.
  Type IV: Generally no treatment is needed, and appropriate therapeutic measures are considered only when the patient is combined with infertility, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement or other diseases.
  8. Is there a relationship between prostatitis and prostate cancer?
  In general, prostatitis belongs to the category of inflammation and is not directly related to prostate cancer. The most common cause of prostatitis is in young and middle-aged men, while prostate cancer is mostly seen in older men. The actual fact is that there are a number of factors that lead to prostatitis, such as alcohol consumption and a spicy diet, that are not conducive to the prevention of prostate cancer.
  To be dialectical, most are not. The actual fact is that you will not be embarrassed to see a doctor, which will add to the mental and monetary burden.
  The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items.
  The first practical way is to change the bad habits as soon as possible: drinking alcohol, sedentary without exercise, unreasonable diet, holding back urine and unstable sex life. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and most popular products. The early start of a regular life, scientific fitness exercise is an important way to improve the physical and mental quality of men.

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