Is it normal to test for anemia in babies with viral colds?

It is not normal to test for anemia when your baby has a viral cold. As baby viral infections generally do not cause anemia, viral infections may cause normal or slightly decreased white blood cell counts and increased lymphocyte percentages in routine blood tests, so it is generally not normal for babies to be checked for anemia when they have viral colds. Anemia refers to the amount of hemoglobin per unit volume in peripheral blood is lower than normal, clinically a variety of reasons can cause pediatric anemia, including hematopoietic substance deficiency, bone marrow hematopoietic dysfunction, insufficient erythropoietin, defective red blood cell membranes, blood loss, and many other factors. Serum iron, bone marrow biopsy and other tests can be perfected to clarify the diagnosis. It is recommended to consult the hematology department in time to identify the cause of anemia for the child, and actively follow the doctor’s instructions to treat viral colds.

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