Can t1 stage low grade invasive bladder cancer metastasize?

Stage t1 low-grade invasive bladder cancer may metastasize and has a higher likelihood of metastasis. Stage t1 low-grade invasive bladder cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the bladder, and stage t1 is an early stage with the possibility of metastasis. In t1 stage low grade invasive bladder cancer, there may be no obvious symptoms, or painless and intermittent hematuria. Surgical resection is usually performed and combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy to prevent the spread and metastasis of cancer cells and recurrence. In the later stage, regular review should be conducted, smoking and alcohol should be prohibited, more fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten, attention should be paid to nutritional supplementation, no excessive psychological burden should be borne, and a pleasant mood should be maintained. As this disease is highly specialized, one should go to regular hospitals in time to determine the specific treatment plan under the doctor’s guidance, and actively cooperate with the treatment to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

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