Which is more effective, slow laxative particles or pharyngitis tablets?

The generic name of Slowly Shu Lime Granules is Clear Throat and Sharp Throat Granules, the indications of this drug and pharyngitis tablets are different, and the reaction of each person after using the drug is also different, so it is impossible to compare which one is more effective. Throat clearing and pharyngolaryngeal granules have the effect of clearing heat and relieving pharynx, broadening the chest and moistening the throat, and are usually used for the treatment of dry throat and hoarseness caused by exogenous wind-heat sensation, acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, which can protect the vocal cords; pharyngitis tablets have the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, suppressing coughs and relieving itching, and can be used in the pharyngeal dryness and itching and irritating coughs caused by chronic pharyngitis. The adverse reactions and contraindications of Clear Throat Sharp Pharyngeal Granules and Pharyngitis Tablets are not clear. Both of the above drugs have the effect of treating dry and uncomfortable pharynx; in addition, Clear Throat and Sharp Pharynx Granules have the effect of treating hoarseness, and Pharyngitis Tablets have the effect of treating irritating cough and itchy pharynx. Patients with pharyngitis should choose medication according to different symptoms. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital in a timely manner, after clarifying the condition, strictly under the guidance of the physician medication.

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