Is it good to eat yam every day?

Whether it is good to eat yam every day is related to the amount of intake, if eaten in moderation every day there are certain benefits, which can provide some of the nutrients for the body; if excessive consumption may cause discomfort. Diversify your daily diet.

Yam belongs to the potato and taro group of food, has a certain nutritional value, contains such nutrients as protein, carbohydrates, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, can be used as a source of nutrients to supplement the human body.

If excessive consumption of yam every day may cause bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms of indigestion, causing discomfort in the body.

Yam can also be consumed with other protein-based foods to ensure a balanced and comprehensive nutritional intake. A varied diet is recommended for daily life.

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