Are folliculitis infusions effective?

Folliculitis is an inflammatory disease of the hair follicle and its surrounding tissues caused by a pathogen infection, usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. If folliculitis is caused by a bacterial infection, it is treated with antibiotics intravenously, or if it is caused by a fungal infection, it is treated with antifungal medications intravenously, both of which are effective, but folliculitis is usually treated with topical medications only. Folliculitis is often caused by bacterial or fungal infection caused by inflammatory diseases, the condition is relatively limited, usually topical antibiotic or antifungal drug treatment can get good results. However, due to the patient’s immune system decline, often scratching, etc., may lead to the infection to spread around the formation of boils, carbuncles, and even lead to cellulitis, septicemia, etc., at this time the effect of topical medication is not good, you can choose to intravenous antibiotics or anti-fungal drug treatment. Bacterial or fungal culture examination is usually carried out before treatment, and sensitive drugs are selected for treatment. It is recommended that patients suffering from folliculitis go to the regular hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor to carry out relevant examinations, to clarify what kind of pathogens are infected, under the guidance of the doctor to choose the topical drugs or systemic drug treatment, so as to achieve good results.

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