How long is a course of treatment for musk heart pills?

Musk cardioprotection pill does not have an exact course of time, due to the patient’s physical condition, the severity of the disease and other factors to determine, clinically, generally used for about 3 to 5 days per visit, it is recommended to comply with the medical advice of a professional physician. Musk Cardioprotection Pill is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is composed of artificial musk, artificial cowhuang, cinnamon, toadstools, ice tablets and other ingredients. This product has the efficacy of aroma and warming (using aromatic and pungent dispersing, warming the meridians and opening the veins to get rid of the cold in the body), benefiting the qi and strengthening the heart (strengthening the heart function by replenishing the qi). It can be used to treat chest paralysis (stuffy pain in the chest) caused by stagnation of qi and blood, symptoms of which can be seen as pain and immobilization in the anterior region of the heart. It also has therapeutic effects on angina pectoris and myocardial infarction caused by myocardial ischemia. Adverse reactions to Musk Heart Pills are seen as numbness under the tongue. Pregnant women and allergies to the product need to be prohibited. Precautions, allergies, athletes should be used with caution. If you need to use the drug is recommended to be used under the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to identify the evidence, unauthorized use of drugs may cause adverse consequences.

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