What are the Chinese medicines that make up Er Chen Tang

Er Chen Tang is not composed of proprietary Chinese medicines, but is an expectorant formula composed of Chinese medicines such as Pinellia, Tangerine, Poria, etc. It has the efficacy of drying dampness and resolving phlegm (removing phlegm in the body with dampness-drying medicines), regulating qi and neutralizing zhong (adjusting the qi of the spleen and stomach, so as to make the functions of the spleen and stomach smooth). Er Chen Tang is clinically used in the treatment of dampness-phlegm syndrome, which is characterized by coughing and phlegm with white color, nausea and vomiting, chest and diaphragm constriction, heavy limbs (limb weakness and heaviness), or dizziness and palpitation (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic), with smooth or greasy tongue coating and slippery pulse, etc. It is important to note that Er Chen Tang has the effect of drying dampness and resolving phlegm. It should be noted that Er Chen Tang is mainly indicated for those with phlegm-dampness, and should be used with caution in case of phlegm-heat or dry phlegm, and should be avoided in case of yin deficiency and blood weakness. Although there is no clear adverse reaction to the above medicines, it is recommended to take the medicines under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner and not to take the medicines on one’s own, so as to avoid delaying the condition or having adverse reactions.

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