Deferiprone Tablets Side Effects

Deferiprone tablets have more side effects, which are mainly reflected in the nervous system, digestive system, skin system and breast swelling and so on. 1. Nervous system reaction: patients taking Deferiprone tablets may have headache, migraine symptoms. 2. Digestive tract reaction: patients may manifest jaundice, right upper abdominal pain, abnormal liver function, loss of appetite and so on. 3. Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: patients may develop rash, itching, urticaria, angioedema, etc. after taking Deferiprone Tablets. 4. Some patients may have breast swelling and tenderness. Contraindications of Dydrogesterone Tablets are prohibited for people who are allergic to the drug ingredients. Patients should take dydrogesterone tablets under the guidance of a physician’s interview, not self-medication to avoid adverse results.

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