Is it true that a single herb opens the bile meridian?

There is no such thing as a single herb to open the bile meridian, but if the bile meridian is impassable (blockage of the meridian of the foot-shao-yang bile meridian), it can usually be treated with herbs such as Gentian Herb, Chai Hu and Yin Chen. 1. Gentian herb has the effect of clearing heat and drying dampness (removing heat and drying dampness) and diarrhea of liver and gallbladder fire. It is used for damp-heat jaundice, swollen and itchy nether regions, subluxation of the belt, itchy eczema, tinnitus and deafness, dystocia and bitterness of the mouth (feeling pain in the area of the dystocia and ribs, and bitterness in the mouth). It is not to be used for those who have deficiency of spleen and stomach (spleen and stomach are weak and cold), and should be used with caution for those who have deficiency of yin and fluid. 2. Chai Hu has the effects of relieving exterior fever, relieving the liver and relieving depression (treating depression by unblocking the liver’s qi). It is used for treating superficial fever, liver depression and stagnation of qi (poor transportation of qi and blood in the liver, emotional and mental depression), qi deficiency and sagging, and prolapse of organs. It is contraindicated or used with caution in patients with yin deficiency and fire (deficiency of yin and essence in the body and hyperactivity of deficiency fire) and qi upward reversal. 3. Yin Chen has the effect of clearing dampness and heat, inducing diuresis and relieving jaundice (dredging the evil qi of the biliary tract and eliminating jaundice). It is used for treating jaundice with low urine output, dampness and warmth (warmth caused by feeling dampness and heat), summer dampness, and itching of wet sores. It should be used with caution for those who accumulate blood to produce yellow and those who have blood deficiency to wither yellow. Before using Chinese herbal medicine, you need to ask your doctor for identification and use it under the doctor’s guidance, so as to avoid improper use of medicine and delay of the condition.

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