Why do you have hemorrhoids and what causes them?

The cause of hemorrhoids is not yet clear, and is currently believed to be related to the downward shift of the anal cushion, varicose vein theory, etc. Drinking alcohol, infection, etc. is also a common cause. 1. anal cushion downward: anal cushion refers to the anal canal mucosa under a layer of smooth muscle, connective tissue, veins formed by the anal canal vascular cushion, defecation force downward, after defecation can be retracted to the anal canal. When the role of anal cushion retraction is weakened, the anal cushion will be congested, downward movement, hyperplasia and hypertrophy and the formation of hemorrhoids. 2. Varicose veins: rectal veins without venous valves, located in the lowest position in the pelvis, the rectal submucosal tissue is also more relaxed, resulting in venous plexus is prone to pathologic expansion, blood stasis. When sedentary, constipation, pregnancy and other conditions impede the return of rectal veins, hemorrhoids will be produced. 3. Triggers: irritating foods and alcohol consumption can lead to localized congestion of the anal canal; perianal infections leading to phlebitis are also prone to lead to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids are caused by a number of factors, usually by anatomical factors as well as dietary habits, etc. Improving lifestyle habits can prevent hemorrhoids from occurring, such as avoiding sedentary activities, irritating foods, and so on.

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