Can hemorrhoids cause pooping many times a day?

Hemorrhoids can potentially lead to pooping many times a day. Hemorrhoids themselves do not cause abnormalities in the stool, but because hemorrhoids often lead to localized pain when severe, it will be afraid of defecation, it is likely to form constipation, which is why the phenomenon of increasing the number of times in a short period of time, and there may also be difficulties in the discharge of stools. In addition, if inflammation occurs in the hemorrhoidal area, resulting in localized oozing, it is likely that there will be a sense of irritation in the stool, often have the feeling of pulling a stool, but not necessarily able to discharge the stool, often accompanied by a feeling of anal swelling. Hemorrhoids condition is different, the treatment is also different, you should go to the hospital as early as possible, clear diagnosis with the doctor to take treatment. As for the phenomenon of stool many times a day, if accompanied by other symptoms, to consider other causes, such as ulcerative colitis, intestinal tumors, polyps and other lesions, dysentery and other diseases, so we recommend that patients go to the hospital for systematic examination, a clear diagnosis, and do not delay the condition.

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