What are the effects of Phellodendron Bark Tablets?

Phellodendron Bark Tablet is effective in clearing heat and drying dampness (removing heat and drying dampness), diarrhea, detoxification and sores.
Phellodendron Bark Tablet is composed of Phellodendron Bark, which has the efficacy of clearing away heat and drying dampness, detoxifying sores and removing fire and vapor. It can be used for the treatment of damp-heat diarrhea (diarrhea caused by feeling damp-heat evils), jaundice, dysentery, sores and swollen poisons, eczema, feverish drenching (burning and tingling pains in urination, accompanied by frequent urination and urgent urination, and discomfort of pulling in the abdomen), athlete’s foot, night sweating (sweating is abnormal after going to sleep, and stops when waking up), and spermatorrhea, etc. The adverse reactions and contraindications are not clear at the moment.
The adverse reactions and contraindications of Huangbai Tablet are not clear, so it needs to be taken under the guidance of a physician, it is not recommended to take it on your own, and the drug should not be taken for a long time.

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