Can Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Be Treated After Cone Cutting Surgery?

After conization surgery, pelvic inflammatory disease can be treated with antibiotic preparations as prescribed by the doctor to actively fight infection.
After a woman has undergone conization surgery, due to the stimulation of anesthesia and surgery, it is possible that the body’s resistance will be reduced and lead to gynecological inflammation. If a woman has abdominal pain, leukorrhea and other manifestations, be alert to the occurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease, at this time should follow the doctor’s instructions to use levofloxacin, cephalosporin and other antibiotic preparations anti-infective treatment, so as to avoid inflammatory secretions to stimulate surgical wounds and affect the healing of the cervix.
After cervical conization surgery, we should pay attention to rest, keep the vulva clean and hygienic, increase the intake of eggs, lean meat and other high-quality protein in order to promote the healing of the wound. A small amount of vaginal bleeding may occur after the operation, usually about 1 week symptoms can be improved by themselves, if abdominal pain and other discomforts, you should go to the regular hospital as soon as possible.

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