There are several cervical patterns

There are generally two types of cervical morphology, i.e., round and one-shaped. For women who have not given birth, the surface of the cervix is relatively smooth, the cervical opening is relatively small and round, and the surface color is mostly pink. For women who have given birth, the outer cervical opening is a zigzag shape due to the effects of childbirth and is divided into an anterior lip and a posterior lip. The cervix is mainly composed of connective tissue, and the junction of columnar epithelium and squamous epithelium at the external cervical opening is also a favorable site for cervical cancer. Therefore, lesions at the cervix cannot be observed clinically simply by the appearance of the cervix. To determine whether there are lesions in the cervix, cervical cancer screening, colposcopy and other related programs are needed, which can detect lesions early, treat them early and improve the prognosis.

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