What is the disease of finger nail streaks

Streaks on fingernails can be caused by nail fungus, lichen planus and congenital white nail disease. 1. Nail fungus disease: If you suffer from nail fungus disease, your nails will be cloudy, thickened, separated and uneven, and some patients may have white, yellow and dirty colored stripes on the nail plate. The reason for its formation is related to the infection and destruction of the nail plate by the skin fungus. 2. Lichen planus: If lichen planus involves the nails, longitudinal ridges and longitudinal black nails may appear, which may be caused by immunity and hereditary factors. 3. Congenital white nail disease: clinically, it is usually characterized by punctate white nails and linear white nails, and its etiology is mostly considered to be caused by genetic factors. There is no single disease that causes long streaks on the fingernails, so we recommend that patients seek medical examination to clarify the cause of the disease.

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