What are the effects of opuntia oil emulsion injection?

Opuntia oil emulsion injection is an anticancer drug, commonly used in the treatment of lung cancer, lung cancer brain metastasis and digestive tract tumors. Opuntia oil emulsion injection is composed of refined opuntia oil, refined soybean phospholipid and glycerol. It can be used for digestive tract tumors caused by heat and toxic stasis. Symptoms include distension and pain in the epigastrium (abdomen), lumps refusing to be pressed, bitter and dry mouth, black stool or fresh blood in stool, yellow and red urine. Lung cancer and lung cancer brain metastasis caused by heat-toxin stasis and damage of lung qi. Symptoms include cough, hemoptysis, yellow sputum, chest tightness and chest pain. Its adverse reactions are mainly fever with systemic damage, manifested as fever, chills, palpitation, and anaphylactic shock in severe cases; followed by digestive system damage, manifested as nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia. In addition, central and peripheral nervous system damage can also be seen, manifested as dizziness, nerve root damage, insomnia; skin and accessory damage, manifested as itching, rash, facial flushing. Slightly irritating effect on blood vessels, prolonged use may lead to phlebitis or thrombosis; occasionally lead to cardiac arrhythmia. Pregnant women, lactating women, allergic to the product is prohibited. Use with caution in patients with cardiac arrhythmia and allergy. It is contraindicated in severe disorders of lipid metabolism (acute shock, acute pancreatitis, pathologic hyperlipidemia, lipid nephropathy, etc.). Caution should be exercised in cases of coldness of the spleen and stomach. The medication should be taken under the guidance of a professional physician, do not use the medication on your own, in order to avoid adverse consequences. In case of discomfort, please seek medical advice promptly.

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