How to cure dry and cracked foot skin

Dry cracked foot skin, can be considered a fungal infection, skin eczema, skin dehydration and other causes, treatment methods to medication-based. 1. Fungal infections: shoes are not breathable, feet cleaning is not in place will easily lead to fungal growth, easy to appear infected phenomenon, will be manifested as dry skin cracking skin, dry feet itchy and so on. You can apply antifungal drugs under the guidance of a doctor, such as miconazole, ketoconazole and so on. If necessary, you can take oral itraconazole and other antifungal drugs. 2. Skin eczema: impermeability or contact with allergens can easily lead to the occurrence of skin eczema, can be used under medical supervision flumethasone ointment or mometasone furoate ointment and other glucocorticoid cream treatment. If necessary, you can take oral antihistamines such as loratadine. 3. Skin dehydration: long time in the dry environment, skin dehydration, foot skin will appear dry cracked condition, should pay attention to do a good job of moisturizing work, it is recommended to wash your feet with water every day, apply moisturizing cream or glycerin and so on moisturizing. The causes of dry and cracked feet are many, and the treatment methods are also many, can not determine the cause of the case, it is recommended to go to a professional skin hospital for skin testing. Medications need to be used in accordance with medical advice.

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