Is it normal to get blisters on your skin after a picosecond?

Skin blistering after picosecond treatment is mostly due to improper selection of treatment energy and is not a routine phenomenon. Picosecond is a commonly used skin care laser technology, through the thermal effect of light waves on the skin for treatment, can effectively lighten the pigmentation, whitening, whitening, skin tightening and so on. If the choice of treatment energy is not appropriate, or individual patients with thin skin stratum corneum, there will be localized redness, swelling and blistering of the skin after treatment of thermal burns. Can be relieved by the following measures: 1, cold compress or cold spray immediately after treatment, the use of mupirocin ointment or xanthate ointment can be used to prevent secondary infection. A blistering reaction usually occurs and may be more effective later, mainly for early comfort and to prevent infection. If there are obvious blisters, a sterile needle can be used to draw out the tissue exudate, together with fusidic acid ointment for topical application without tearing, and the blisters usually do not rupture on their own. 2、If the scope of the blister is small, it can be absorbed slowly. If the blister is relatively large, use a needle to puncture, and then disinfect, local skin should be protected with gauze. Do not let the blisters touch water, which will corrode the blisters and cause inflammation and pus. However, all such cases need to consult a specialist for treatment, so as not to lead to adverse consequences such as hyperpigmentation and scarring.

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