What to look for after surgery for intestinal polyps

For people who have undergone surgery for intestinal polyps, the diet should be light, eat more food favorable to the condition, pay attention to rest, pay attention to appropriate exercise. 1. Diet: in principle, 3 days after the operation, we should carry on the whole process of unadulterated diet, such as milk, protein powder, lotus root powder, etc., in order to reduce the formation of stools, which can cause irritation to the operation area. Three days after the operation, you can enter the semi-liquid diet, such as rice porridge, noodles, egg custard, etc., to maintain for about a week, if there is no blood in the stool during this period, you can switch to ordinary diet. Within one month after surgery, avoid spicy, stimulating, greasy diet, no smoking and drinking, and drink more water. 2. Pay attention to rest: the energy of the body of the postoperative crowd needs to consume a lot of energy to recover, more rest, do not stay up late and overwork, so that the body will have plenty of energy to recover. 3. Appropriate exercise: appropriate exercise is not only conducive to strengthening the body, but also conducive to the recovery of the postoperative condition. Pay attention to the early postoperative period can not do strenuous exercise. Specific postoperative precautions for intestinal polyps, you can consult a professional physician’s opinion.

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