Can late stage stomach cancer be completely cured?

It is usually difficult to get radical treatment for stomach cancer in the late stage, and even if comprehensive treatment is actively adopted, its 5-year survival rate is still less than 30%. Gastric cancer is the most common malignant tumor in digestive tract, the exact cause is still unclear, but it may be related to factors such as poor diet, smoking, alcohol, heredity, mental stress, etc. Some patients with early stage of gastric cancer can be treated radically through surgery, but patients with advanced stage of gastric cancer may suffer from severe emaciation, anemia, fever, jaundice, cachexia, etc., which are usually difficult to be cured radically. Patients with advanced gastric cancer should also actively cooperate with physicians to carry out relevant treatments, and can be treated by palliative surgery, radiotherapy, targeted therapy and other comprehensive treatments to prolong the survival period.

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