Can you pull teeth with hypothyroidism?

Patients with hypothyroidism have better control of their symptoms and can have their teeth extracted after being evaluated by a doctor. In hypothyroidism, because of a decrease or insufficient action of thyroid hormones in the body, the body manifests itself as a slowed metabolism, chills, swelling, weight gain, lack of desire to eat, possible memory loss, and even significant drowsiness. Some of the weight gain is accompanied by non-depressible edema, and some patients with hypothyroidism experience menstrual disorders and decreased libido. It is usually treated with levothyroid hormone. Local anesthesia may be required for tooth extraction, and local pain after tooth extraction is relatively irritating to the body. If the patient’s thyroid function is not completely normal, anesthesia or pain may induce a hypothyroid crisis, which may even be life-threatening in severe cases. Therefore, patients with hypothyroidism must be evaluated by a doctor before having a tooth extracted when their thyroid function is completely normal and stable and their condition has been stabilized for at least 3 months. It is also important to keep a watchful eye on them after tooth extraction and seek medical attention for any problems that arise. It is advisable to consult a doctor to assess the patient’s condition as to when a tooth can be extracted in hypothyroidism.

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