When do you remove an abdominal drain for a bile leak?

The time to remove abdominal drains for biliary fistula is related to the type of drain and the nature of the drainage fluid, and needs to be removed under the comprehensive assessment of a specialized doctor. For ordinary abdominal drains, after 3 to 5 days after surgery, if the drainage fluid is small, clear and there is no abdominal infection, fluid accumulation, etc., the abdominal drain can be removed; if the drainage fluid is large and turbid, the duration of the drain can be extended appropriately. If it is due to the emergence of biliary fistula and then puncture the drain, generally in the biliary fistula site after full growth and closure, no bile drainage when removed, the general time for about two weeks, the time may be longer for those who have poor physical condition. Abdominal special drainage tube such as T-tube is used to drain bile, support the bile duct drainage tube, in order to avoid bile leakage into the abdominal cavity, generally in about one month after the operation removal; for the healing ability of the poor, poor physical condition of the patient can be appropriately delayed removal time. The exact time varies depending on the patient’s condition, and it is recommended to consult with a specialized clinical physician.

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