What is tremor?

Tremor is a symptom of an involuntary rhythmic shaking or oscillation of the muscles of the head or limbs. It is commonly seen in physiologic tremors, such as stress. It can also be seen in pathologic tremor, such as resting tremor, idiopathic tremor and so on. 1. Physiological tremor: If in a state of great tension, anxiety and fear, a slight and rapid tremor of the limbs may occur, which is physiological tremor. 2. Resting tremor: It means that the tremor will be reduced or disappear when making conscious movements. It is mostly seen in Parkinson’s disease or Parkinson’s syndrome. 3. Idiopathic tremor: It often occurs in the elderly, and the tremor is aggravated when they are active, but reduced when they are quiet. When patients have tremor symptoms, they should go to the Neurology Department of the hospital in time to find out the cause of the disease and under the guidance of the doctor for treatment.

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