What is the Vitiligo Spreading Cycle

Vitiligo diffusion cycle, that is, refers to vitiligo disease development into the progressive stage.
Vitiligo as a kind of pigment loss disease, in the clinic is mainly manifested as milky white or white pigment loss spots, usually the skin lesion border is clear, the size varies, can be scattered distribution. In the absence of effective treatment and control of the disease, the disease can enter the progressive stage, and the phenomenon of white spots expanding in area, increasing in number and blurring of the border.
Vitiligo after a period of progression, the white spot symptoms will gradually ease, or even stop developing, this is also called vitiligo quiescent or stable phase.
When vitiligo enters the progressive stage, it means that the condition will be further aggravated, so it is necessary to consult the doctor in time and carry out standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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