What’s with the stomach rumbling and diarrhea?

Gurgling stomach and diarrhea are usually caused by acute gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, lactose intolerance and so on. 1. Acute gastroenteritis: acute gastroenteritis attack with vomiting and diarrhea and other symptoms, there will be a grumbling stomach, diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and other manifestations. 2. Gastrointestinal dysfunction: generally because of irregular diet, unhygienic, resulting in intestinal flora imbalance, peristaltic dysfunction. Clinical manifestations are stomach grumbling, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms. 3. Lactose intolerance: patients with lactose intolerance have low lactase activity, which leads to poor digestion and absorption of lactose in the intestinal tract, and the residual lactose is broken down by the bacteria, leading to an increase in intestinal water, and at the same time produce a large amount of gas, which causes abdominal bloating and diarrhea symptoms. Stomach rumbling and diarrhea may also be related to other causes, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination, under the guidance of the doctor to clarify the cause of the disease, to give targeted treatment or therapy.

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