How to soothe a sore tummy when you’re on your period

Aunt usually refers to menstruation, if the stomach pain during menstruation is usually considered dysmenorrhea; dysmenorrhea can be relieved through psychological support, medication and other ways to alleviate the pain. 1. Psychological support: It is suitable for patients with primary dysmenorrhea. When the patient has abdominal discomfort symptoms, psychological comfort can be used to eliminate his/her tension, which can relieve his/her pain to a certain extent. In addition, you can also relieve the pain by applying hot compresses on the abdomen, which can also play the role of psychological support. 2. Medication: For primary dysmenorrhea, patients can take ibuprofen and other drugs to relieve pain; endometriosis-induced dysmenorrhea can also use ibuprofen to relieve pain, and can also be treated with drospirenone ethinyl estradiol and other medications (for those who do not have the need to have children for the time being); dysmenorrhea caused by uterine fibroids with excessive menstrual flow can be treated with tranexamic acid. Medication should be prescribed by the doctor. Women who experience dysmenorrhea during menstruation are advised to go to the hospital for treatment to identify the cause of dysmenorrhea.

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