What does platelet mean?

Platelet is a kind of formed component in blood, it is a small piece of cytoplasm shed from the cytoplasmic cleavage of mature megakaryocytes in bone marrow, and it has the physiological function of assisting in hemostasis. 1. Platelets are produced by megakaryocytes in the bone marrow, which are irregular in shape, without nucleus, and the number of platelets in the blood of normal adults is (100~300)×10⁹/L, which is generally rounded, and the volume is smaller than that of erythrocytes and leukocytes. 2. Platelets have the physiological properties of adhesion, release, aggregation, contraction, adsorption, and generally enter the bloodstream after the lifespan of 7~14 days, but only in the first two days with physiological functions. Aging platelets are usually destroyed by phagocytosis in spleen, liver and lung tissues. 3. Platelets have the functions of hemostasis, wound healing and thrombus formation, etc. They are generally found only in the blood of mammals. For specific knowledge, please consult a hematologist.

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