Cerebral infarction patient hemiplegic body itching how the matter

Itchy body of hemiplegic patients with cerebral infarction may be caused by sensory system damage, lack of nutrition, skin disease and so on.
1. Sensory system damage: Cerebral infarction leads to the damage of sensory nerves, thus causing patients to feel abnormal, such as infarction of thalamus and basal ganglia, which can easily cause patients to have numbness and itchy symptoms.
2. Lack of nutrition: due to malnutrition, lack of vitamins, such as patients with swallowing disorders, will lead to insufficient intake and malnutrition, which will lead to cerebral infarction patients hemiplegic body sensory abnormalities, such as itching.
3. Skin diseases: Skin diseases that exist in the patients themselves or are caused by various reasons such as prolonged bed rest will directly lead to itchy symptoms, such as eczema, hives, bed sores, etc. Patients with cerebral infarction should maintain a balanced nutritional intake.
Patients with cerebral infarction should maintain a balanced nutrition, low-salt and low-fat diet. If the symptoms of hemiplegia body itching appear, they should consult a doctor in time to clarify the cause of the disease and have reasonable treatment.

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