Can you drink Tianqi soup during menstruation?

Whether one can drink Tianqi soup during menstruation is determined by factors such as menstrual conditions and the body condition of the person taking it, and should be taken under the guidance of a physician. The main ingredient of Tianqi Soup is Tianqi. Tianqi, also known as Panax notoginseng, is warm in nature, sweet and slightly bitter in taste; it belongs to the liver and stomach meridians. It has the effect of removing blood stasis, stopping bleeding, activating blood circulation and resolving pain. It is suitable for hemorrhagic conditions such as vomiting of blood, collapse and leakage (excessive menstrual flow or dripping), blood in stool, as well as bruising, swelling and pain, bruising and injury. Adverse reactions are not clear, pregnant women, blood deficiency bleeding, no stasis evidence should not be used. The symptoms of menstruation are different for different people with different constitution. Since Tian Qi has the effect of promoting blood circulation and eliminating blood stasis, if menstrual stagnation, poor discharge of menstrual blood, low menstrual flow or late menstrual period, one can follow the doctor’s instruction to drink appropriate amount of Tian Qi soup during menstruation. If the menstrual flow is heavy and the menstrual period is long, it is not suitable to drink Tianqi soup during the menstrual period. Patients are advised to seek timely medical consultation if they feel unwell, so as to avoid any delay in their condition.

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