Is it normal to have little bleeding from soft stools on day 45 after anal fissure removal?

Anal fissure excision after the 45th day of soft stool bleeding little, this situation needs to pay attention to, is not a normal phenomenon. Anal fissure surgery patients for 45 days after surgical resection, usually their own incision has been completely healed, patients in the discharge of a small amount of blood in the soft stool, can be excluded from the anal fissure disease caused. However, blood in the stool may be due to lower gastrointestinal bleeding. In this case, patients need to undergo gastroenteroscopy, which can clarify whether there are active bleeding points in the gastrointestinal tract through endoscopy, and part of the bleeding points can be treated under endoscopy to stop bleeding. Patients need to go to the relevant departments of the hospital for systematic examination, to clarify the cause of the disease, and early treatment, to avoid delaying the condition. At present, it is recommended that patients first go to the local hospital gastroenterology and general surgery consultation, listen to the advice of professional doctors for diagnosis and treatment, the above views are for reference only treatment.

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