What to do if you have painful hemorrhoids

There are roughly three cases of painful hemorrhoids, and their solutions are as follows: 1. Local thrombosis within the hemorrhoid is called thrombosed external hemorrhoid, and most thrombosed external hemorrhoids require surgical treatment, which can be performed thrombectomy or thrombosed external hemorrhoidectomy. If the symptoms are mild and the thrombus is small, it can be treated conservatively by taking oral diosmin tablets or abscise-M and using topical Ma Yinglong hemorrhoid cream. If the symptoms do not reduce, or have a tendency to aggravate, or should be surgically removed; 2, hemorrhoids local infection with edema, called inflammatory external hemorrhoids, in the clinical conservative treatment, you can take oral antibacterial drugs, such as levofloxacin and methotrexate, and then topical Ma Yinglong hemorrhoid cream, treatment for about a week, the symptoms can be relieved; 3, mixed hemorrhoids embedded, mixed hemorrhoids embedded belong to the clinical manifestations of advanced hemorrhoids. It is due to the obstruction of vascular reflux in the nucleus of the hemorrhoid, local ischemia, edema and erosion of the nucleus of the hemorrhoid, mixed hemorrhoids first conservative treatment, you can take oral Diosmin tablets, topical hemorrhoid cream, and then with Chinese medicine or warm water sitz bath, etc., after the edema subsides, surgery treatment.

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