What kind of health tea to drink when you have insufficient qi and blood

Those with insufficient qi and blood can use angelica and jujube to make tea for health, but the effect is limited and does not achieve a therapeutic effect. Angelica sinensis, has the effect of tonifying blood and regulating menstruation, activating blood circulation and relieving pain (relieving pain by removing blood stasis), moistening the intestines and relaxing the bowels. It can be used to treat blood deficiency, menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, blood deficiency, blood stagnation, blood cold pain, bruises, rheumatism paralysis, carbuncle and gangrene (a kind of poisonous sores, occurring on the surface of the body, limbs, internal organs of the acute suppurative disease) sores, intestinal dryness constipation and so on. Angelica is forbidden to be taken by patients suffering from fever and bleeding, and should be taken with caution by those who are suffering from dampness and fullness (too much dampness leading to fullness and discomfort in the spleen and stomach) as well as those who suffer from loose stools. Jujube has the effects of tonifying the middle Jiao (treating Qi deficiency by tonifying the spleen), nourishing the blood and calming the mind (stabilizing the mind and soothing the emotions by nourishing the blood). It is mainly used to treat spleen deficiency syndrome, dirty agitation (upset and depression, sadness and wanting to cry for no reason), and insomnia. The effective dosage of Angelica sinensis and jujube in tea is limited and generally cannot achieve a therapeutic effect. If there is any discomfort after making tea, it is recommended to stop using it and seek medical advice promptly.

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