Does dried cinnamon cure insomnia?

Dried Gui Yuan, also known as Longan Meat, is sweet and warm, and enters the heart and spleen meridians. It can tonify the heart and spleen (tonifying the heart and spleen with tonic medicines), nourish the blood and tranquilize the mind (stabilizing the mind and soothing the emotions by nourishing the blood), and is suitable for insomnia and forgetfulness in the case of deficiency of the heart and spleen (weakness of the heart and spleen organs). Longan meat was first published in Shennong’s Classic of the Materia Medica. This product can tonify both Qi and Blood. It can be used in treating insomnia and forgetfulness caused by excessive thinking, strain to the heart and spleen, palpitation and palpitations (violent heartbeat, panic and restlessness), insomnia and forgetfulness due to deficiency of qi and blood. It can be combined with Atractylodes macrocephala, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Astragali, and Zao Zao Ren (酸枣仁) in the treatment of insomnia caused by deficiency of heart and spleen. The adverse effects of Longan Pork are not clear. It is contraindicated for those with phlegm-fire internalized palpitation, dampness stagnation and stagnation of drinking (water stagnation in the body). If you need to use medication, you should consult your doctor first and use it under the doctor’s guidance, do not blindly self-medication.

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