How many days can you get out of bed after surgery for giant cell tumor of bone?

How many days can you get out of bed after surgery for giant cell tumor of bone is related to many factors, and it can not be generalized, but it usually takes 1 to 3 months. After waking up from anesthesia, patients with giant cell tumor of bone can perform isometric muscle contraction exercise to promote blood circulation and avoid the formation of deep vein thrombosis. How long patients with giant cell tumor can get out of bed after surgery is related to the location of the tumor, the size and stage of the tumor, and the surgical method and other factors. Giant cell tumor of bone can occur in various parts of human body. Giant cell tumor of bone at the end of large long tubular bone can get out of bed and gradually exercise one month after surgery. For giant cell tumor of the spine, patients can walk on crutches 1 to 3 months after surgery. Most patients can walk out of bed and slowly exercise around 3 months after surgery. However, patients with more bone defects have poor stability and should not get out of bed early. It is recommended that patients with giant cell tumor of bone should get out of bed and perform functional exercises under the guidance of medical personnel according to the operation, so as to avoid joint stiffness and muscle atrophy.

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