Quick solution for flu with no sense of taste

The absence of taste sensation in colds is caused by congestion of the tongue mucosa, which causes abnormal metabolism of taste bud cells. At this time, you can drink more warm boiled water or juice, take sufficient rest and improve the body’s ability to resist the cold. Drink more chicken soup and eat a lot of vitamin C. Chicken soup can reduce the cough and relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion, and it can gradually make the sense of taste slowly recover and improve. Foods that contain more vitamin C include apples, peaches, pineapples, grapefruit, dragon fruit, bananas, etc. Eating more of these foods can enhance the ability to resist cold and flu viruses and relieve symptoms. You can also drink yogurt and supplement zinc. Yogurt can improve appetite. When there is not enough zinc in the body, it can affect the sense of taste and smell. Zinc supplementation can improve the sense of taste and smell, such as drinking zinc gluconate oral solution or granules.

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